About Me

I am an aerospace engineering graduate student interested in advancing dynamical systems modeling and control through interdisciplinary research. Currently, I am pursuing a MSc at KFUPM, SA under the supervision of Professor Ayman Abdallah, where my thesis applies data-driven learning techniques for modeling, control, and estimation for dynamical systems (e.g., robotics, quadrotors, and satellites). I am also interested in exploring intersections between machine learning and physics-informed modeling of dynamical systems.

Prior to this I completed my bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt.

I like calligraphy and typography, something I do to relax and to be present at the moment. You can see sample of my work here. I also like history, and anthropology. Espicially, how human evolved and invinted many constructs to survive.

Research Direction

  1. Data-driven modeling and control of dynamical systems
  2. Control theory, and optimization
  3. Model reduction, and feedback control of dynamical systems

Selected Publications

  1. Z. M. Manaa, M. R. Elbalshy, and A. M. Abdallah, Data-driven Discovery of The Quadrotor Equations of Motion Via Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics. In AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, p. 1308. 2024. doi: https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/10.2514/6.2024-1308.
  2. Z. M. Manaa, A. M. Abdallah, M. A. Abido, and S. S. A. Ali Koopman-LQR for Quadrotor UAVs from Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.17973.
  3. Z. M. Manaa, A. M. Abdallah, and S. El Ferik KINETC: Koopman-Inspired Nonlinear Event-Triggered Control from Data. Preprint


Jul 04, 2024Finished working on our project KINETC: Koopman-Inspired Nonlinear Event-Triggered Control from Data
Jun 16, 2024We submitted our manuscript: Koopman-LQR Controller for Quadrotor UAVs From Data to IEEE International Conference on Smart Mobility
Jun 09, 2024We submitted our manuscript: Optimal Airfoil for Improved Supersonic performance via Convex Optimization Framework to the International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow
Apr 14, 2024Our patent titled: Optimal Airfoil for Improved Supersonic Performance for Specific Predefined Flight Conditions got filed under ID: 550544US
Aug 25, 2023Our paper got accepted at AIAA SciTech Forum 2024!
Jan 22, 2023Received the Research Assistance Scholarship for international students from KFUPM, Aerospace Department!
Jan 15, 2023Started my study as a graduate student at KFUPM!